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Showing posts from May, 2010

The end of the Red Shirt Protests ! (for now)

After several days of strong military pressure, and after several hours of battle against APCs, the Red Shirt leaders have surrendered and the protesters have agreed to go home. For now, the trouble is over, and the long process of cleaning up the mess can begin. This will mean: attempting to restore trust in Thailand as a holiday destination, as a place for foreigners to invest, and as a viable business environment. This will take time, most likely several years to fully recovery. However, have things really settled? The grievances of the Red Shirts (real or perceived) have not been addressed. The Thai government has seriously damaged its own reputation amongst its own citizens and abroad by its use of force. The effect of all of the protest will not fade quickly.

Thailand, Bangkok, and the Red Shirts—an update.

I have been continuing to follow the Red Shirt protest in Bangkok, and throughout the country of Thailand. As at the 1st of May nothing much has changed. Again, what has surprised me, and I suspect most people, is the resolution of the Reds. They have stayed the course. It is now ~6 weeks since the protests began, and after facing and dealing with many problems, and demonstrating great organisational ability, the Reds are still filling and blocking the streets of Bangkok. On the other hand, they have not achieved their goals. The Thai government has not agreed to hold new elections. Stand off! Over the last three weeks the situation has become more grim. Bullets and grenades have been fired. People have died. Threats have been made, largely by the government, but with all of this there is no end in sight. One aspect of this situation is worth noting, and it is one rarely touched upon by the media. If one were to rely exclusively on what was reported, then one would visualise ...